I am available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Leuven:
Dr KM Hodun
Goudfazantenlaan 5 - 3001 Heverlee
Opening hours 8-18:00, patients are seen by appointment only.
On days when I am not available in Leuven, you can book an urgent appointment with Dr. Bart Vandewynckele at his practice in the Heverlee area:
Dr. Bart Vandewynckele
Sint-Lambertusstraat 30 – 3001 Heverlee
Tel: 016 35 09 35
info@huisartspraktijklambertus.be also can request an urgent appointment at Berlaymont GP Group in Brussels where I work for the rest of the week:
Berlaymont GP Group, Berlaymont Health Centre
Av de la Renaissance 21- 1000 Brussels
Tel:027355326 If you choose to be seen in my Leuven clinic and need an appointment sooner than available online, please email your request to
dr.hodun@berlaymonthealth.euDuring my absence (holiday, sickness), please contact my colleagues at Berlaymont GP Group for further assistance or contact Dr. Bart Vandewynckele.
Emergencies: For medical emergencies, call
112For out-of-hours GP services in Leuven please call:
1733 and in Brussels
Goudfazantenlaan 5, 3001 Heverlee
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