Kasia Hodun

Dr. Kasia Hodun (Dr Hodun, Leuven)

General practitioner


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I am available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Leuven:

Dr KM Hodun
Goudfazantenlaan 5 - 3001 Heverlee
Opening hours 8-18:00, patients are seen by appointment only.

On days when I am not available in Leuven, you can book an urgent appointment with Dr. Bart Vandewynckele at his practice in the Heverlee area:

Dr. Bart Vandewynckele
Sint-Lambertusstraat 30 – 3001 Heverlee
Tel: 016 35 09 35

You also can request an urgent appointment at Berlaymont GP Group in Brussels where I work for the rest of the week:

Berlaymont GP Group, Berlaymont Health Centre
Av de la Renaissance 21- 1000 Brussels

If you choose to be seen in my Leuven clinic and need an appointment sooner than available online, please email your request to dr.hodun@berlaymonthealth.eu

During my absence (holiday, sickness), please contact my colleagues at Berlaymont GP Group for further assistance or contact Dr. Bart Vandewynckele.

Emergencies: For medical emergencies, call 112
For out-of-hours GP services in Leuven please call: 1733  and in Brussels 022122222

Goudfazantenlaan 5, 3001 Heverlee

Languages spoken:
English Polish


My list for an intake of new patients in Leuven is closed. If you have no GP and live in the Leuven area, please check the availability of doctors in other local practices.


In case of emergency, please call 112.

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