Centre Epilia Waterloo

Centre Epilia Waterloo

How do I make an appointment?
- You can select the area you want to treat.
- Package deals are also available at the bottom of the list.
This allows you to optimize your appointment by grouping several areas together.

Important instructions:
- No exposure to the sun or sunbeds during treatment.
It is necessary to shave or trim the hair before the session so that it
is short (maximum 1 mm),no shaving on facial hair for women and on
downy areas.

Please note:
No treatment is
performed during the first consultation (free of charge). It is
therefore not necessary to shave at this stage.  

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Centre Epilia Waterloo Salle 1 - new
Nous sommes disponibles du lundi au samedi (inclus) de 8:00 à 20:00

Rue de la Station 98, 1410 Waterloo

Book now:
Centre Epilia Waterloo Salle 2 - new

98 Rue de la station, 1410 Waterloo

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