Sales Pharma team

Sales Pharma team

Pharma Sales team consists of
* Sales Manager
* Business Development Manager
* 2 Account Managers Flanders and Brussels
* 2 Account Managers Wallonia and Brussels
* 1 Internal Sales

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Descamps Frederic
By appointment during the working week
+ during Pharmanology

Click on Book now and book your appointment

Rue du Moulin Brabant 2 , 5030 Les Isnes

Phone number:
+32 498 16 34 16

Book now:
Luc Gaudissabois
By appointment during the working week
+ during Pharmanology

Click on Book now and book your appointment

Gent Zuiderpoort, Atrium Gaston Crommenlaan 4 bus 26, 9050 Gent

Phone number:

Book now:
Laurent Maus
Monday from 09:30 to 16:00
Tuesday from 09:30 to 16:00
Wednesday from 09:30 to 12:00
Thursday from 09:30 to 16:00
Friday from 09:30 to 16:00

Rue du Moulin Brabant 2 , 5030 Gembloux

Phone number:
+32 471970160

Book now:
Gerd Vande Velde
By appointment during the working week
+ during Pharmanology

Click on Book now and book your appointment

Gent Zuiderpoort, Atrium Gaston Crommenlaan 4 bus 26, 9050 Gent

Phone number:
+32 491 16 35 15

Book now:
Ils Van Hove
By appointment during the working week
+ during Pharmanology

Click on Book now and book your appointment

Gent Zuiderpoort, Atrium Gaston Crommenlaan 4 bus 26, 9050 Gent

Phone number:
+32478 36 37 35

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