Professeur Claude GILLIARD (ERPENT)

Professeur Claude GILLIARD (ERPENT)

Neurosurgeon, Cervical Spine, Lumbar Spine, Trigeminal Neuralgia


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on Tuesdays from 14:00 to 18:00

Cabinet Médical du Parc, 489, Chaussée de Marche, 5101 Erpent

Phone number:
Secrétariat: 081 74 33 33

Languages spoken:
English Français Nederlands


To enter the building, hit “11” and
then the green bell on the keypad!
Please wait and the door will be unlocked.
Do not hesitate to ring it again (especially in the morning and after 18:00).
Please take the elevator to the first floor, you will find the medical office
on the left side. Outside of the secretary’s office hours (14:00-18:00), please
have a seat in the waiting room on the right side. We will come to get you there.

Please check  
for the
access plan to the "Cabinet Medical du Parc".

Parking is
free of charge,  the barriers open automatically.


In case of emergency and no immediate
appointment available, please do call the secretary by phone.
In case of emergency, please call 112.

Have you forgotten your appointment? Would you like to cancel an appointment?

To receive a list of all the appointments you have booked by email, click here and follow the instructions.

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