Therese Kubli

Therese Kubli

Welcome to the online booking platform of Therese Kubli.

Consultations can be conducted in French, German or English.

Schedule your appointment:

Free call:If you would like a free call before the first consultation (nutrition or life coaching), select “Free call” (15 minutes)

Nutrition, nutritherapy: - If this is your first visit, select "1st face-to-face appointment" or "1st online appointment". - If it is a follow-up appointment, select “Face-to-Face Follow-up Appointment” or “Online Follow-up Appointment”

Life coaching:Select “face-to-face life coaching” or “online life coaching”

Book now >>
Therese Kubli
Monday from 10:00 to 13:00
Tuesday from 13:30 to 20:00
Wednesday from 13:30 to 20:00

Centre de Soins Sainte Anne, Chaussée de Tervueren, 46, 1160 Auderghem

Phone number:
0493 / 81 01 81

Book now:
Therese  Kubli
Monday from 13:00 to 18:00
Tuesday from 10:00 to 13:00
Wednesday from 10:00 to 13:00
Thursday from 10:00 to 12:30
Thursday from 14:00 to 17:00


Phone number:
0493 / 81 01 81

Book now:

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