Johannes Kloos

Dr. Johannes Kloos

Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology

St. Vith | Büllingen

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Surgery at the Klinik St. Joseph St. Vith (Klosterstraße 9, 080/854172 from 9-12h and 14-16h30)
9-12h at the Klinik St. Joseph St. Vith (Klosterstraße 9, 080/854172 from 9-12h and 14-16h30)
8h20-12h at the Klinik St. Joseph St. Vith (Klosterstraße 9, 080/854172 from 9-12h and 14-16h30)
13h20-17h at the Orthopaedicum St. Vith (Wiesenbachstrasse 59A, 080/221235 from 9-11h)
8-12u at ProGesund Büllingen (Am Marktplatz 14, 080/221235 from 9-11h)
9-12h and 13-17h20 at the Klinik St. Joseph St. Vith (Klosterstraße 9, 080/854172 from 9-12h and 14-16h30)

, St. Vith | Büllingen

Phone number:
+3280221235 (9-11h)

Languages spoken:
English Français Nederlands Deutsch

NIHII number:
19993480480 (non-conventionné)


After my medical studies at the KU Leuven, I was trained in various hospitals (AZ Sint Maarten, ZOL, Jessa, UZ Leuven) in general orthopaedics and orthopaedic traumatology. I have subspecialised, both in Belgium and abroad, in the treatment of pathologies of the lower limbs (knee, hip, sports injuries) as well as general orthopaedic traumatology. I treat both children and adults.


For urgent appointments, please call 080/221235 or email with the reason for urgency. These will be read and answered only during business days and hours.For urgent medical attention, please contact the nearest out-of-hours GP service or emergency department.
In case of emergency, please call 112.

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