- If there are no appointments available anytime soon, please check regularly, consultation offer changes frequently, either by patient cancellation or by routine opening of new slots (including last minute).
- On the day of the appointment, before coming, make sure to check your phone’s voicemail and your email.
- If your appointment unfortunately needs cancellation by the Dermatologist, you will be contacted with offering of a replacement appointment.
According to the situation, please contact: - Your Family Doctor – office hours - Doctor on call : ✆ 1733 – out of office hours - Nearby Hospital Dermatological Department (Sint maria, Erasme, Brachops, St Pierre, …) – office hours - Nearby Hospital Emergency Department
In case of emergency, please call 112.
Have you forgotten your appointment? Would you like to cancel an appointment?
To receive a list of all the appointments you have booked by email, click here and follow the instructions.