Je suis absente du 24/12/21 au 09/01/22. Pendant cette période, veuillez vous adresser en cas de besoin au Dr. Severin MUAKU, pédiatre (Sint-Stefaansstraat 146 - 1932 Slnt-Stevens-Woluwe / 02 721 49 70 / 0472 47 63 72).
Sarò in congedo dal 24/12/21 al 09/01/22. Durante questo periodo, in caso di necessità, si prega di contattare il Dr. Severin MUAKU, pediatra (Sint-Stefaansstraat 146 - 1932 Slnt-Stevens-Woluwe / 02 721 49 70 / 0472 47 63 72).
I am out of the office from 24/12/21 to 09/01/22. During this time, if needed you can contact Dr. Severin MUAKU, pediatrician (Sint-Stefaansstraat 146 - 1932 Slnt-Stevens-Woluwe / 02 721 49 70 / 0472 47 63 72).
In case of emergency outside consultation hours or in case of unavailability, please go to a pediatric emergency department: - Saint-Luc University Clinics (02 / 764.16.23) - Delta Hospital (02 / 434.88.00)
In case of emergency, please call 112.
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